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企 业 名 称:宁波赛电高频电子工贸有限公司外贸部

所 属 网 库:宁波电子网库

联 系 人:黄金秀女士

职 位:外贸文员

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:真空电子管 变压器 火花管 塑胶熔接机 高周波熔接机

公 司 地 址:中国 浙江 宁波市 浙江省宁波市鄞州区薛家新家园28栋103室

联 系 电 话:86-0574-56253201

移 动 电 话:15824....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-0574-56253205

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:私营有限责任公司 ;经销批发

主 营 行 业:电源(整流)变压器 塑料包装机械 电压测量仪表


    公司简介 赛电高频电子有限公司成立于1989,总部设深圳赛格大厦,主营高周波机械产品。公司秉承“德、仁义诚信”精神集设计开发生产销售于一体,追求客户百分百满意为目标,经过多年潜心经营,赛电已成为行内知名品牌,随着优良素质的人才不断加盟,公司业务量和经营范围不断扩大,在广东福建浙江湖南山东等地建立了颇具实力的销售网络。 2009年2月成立宁波赛电高频电子工贸有限公司,产品涉及金属机电建筑装修等行业,涉足更广的商业领域,2009年4月与湖南艾节能科技有限公司签订了艾节能系列产品代理商协议,节能从芯开始,合作从心开始。我们将诚信敬业务实创新本着服务为先导品质为保证的服务原则,更加完善我们的服务体系,携手共创美好未来。 Brife Introduction Saidian High-frequency Electronic CO,Ltd was founded in 1989 and the headquartered is located in Shenzhen SEG Building, mainly conduct high-frequency mechanical products. The Company adhering to the spirit of "morality, benevolence, righteousness, honesty, trust".With the combinatioan of design, development, production and sales,the company's first goal is to make the clients satisfied. After years of painstaking operation, Saidian has become a well-known brand in the industry. With the excellent qualities of talent join continuously, the company's sales volume is increased rapidly and the business is expanded in Zhejiang, Hunan and Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong where the company has established a very strong sales network. Ningbo High-frequency Electronic Industry and Trade Co.Ltd was founded in February 2009,involved in metal,electromachine, construction, decoration and other industries, settimg foot in a wider commercial field. The company has placed a contract with the Hunan Saving Energy Technology Co., Ltd in April 2004 to be the special agent for saving Energy products.With the agreement:"Saving energy start with the core , cooperation start with the heart." We are dedicated to the principal of integrity、 innovation 、leading in service and the quality of service to perfect our service system and join hands in creating a better future.
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网评:欢迎来到宁波赛电高频电子工贸有限公司的中国产品网商铺网站首页,我公司位于风景秀丽,交通便利的中国 浙江 宁波市 宁波市鄞州区薛家新家园28栋103室。
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